X-Ray Safety

X-ray machines are important tools in today’s technology. They have opened many avenues to research and manufacturing. But since they, like all tools, are capable of causing injury, they must be used with knowledge and respect. This X-ray Safety Program is designed to give the operator a basic understanding of how X-ray-producing machines operate and how to reduce the risk of personal injury.

Follow these steps to ensure the safe use of X-ray machines. The material in this program may be printed out and kept for later referral.

  1. Review the X-ray Safety Manual (PDF). View the X-ray Safety video and the X-ray PowerPoint (PDF). Now it is time to take the quiz.
  2. Open the NIU X-ray Safety Quiz (PDF) and read the instructions. This is an open-book quiz. Print out the quiz, fill out all the requested information and take the quiz. Please sign the quiz as indicated. Your signature indicates that you have read and understand the material offered to you. Without the signature, the quiz will not be recorded and you will not be registered as an X-ray operator and will not be permitted to utilize the equipment. As instructed, when finished, make a copy of the quiz and send the copy through campus mail or bring it to the Radiation Safety Officer, Faraday 327. Keep the original for your records.
  3. Once you have been approved as an authorized X-ray User/Operator, you may be periodically contacted via e-mail by the Radiation Safety Officer or representatives of the Radiation Safety Committee informing you of available training classes.
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