General Lab Safety

Laboratory Safety includes chemical, biological, radiological and physical hazards while working in the laboratory or field research. Various committees oversee portions of laboratory safety. Federal and State regulations require specific committees focused on certain hazards in some instances.


Eyewash and safety showers, as well as other safety equipment must be checked periodically in compliance with the Laboratory Inspection Program and recorded via the Laboratory Inspection Checklist (PDF).

Fume hoods shall be tested and maintained according to federal and state guidelines. get more information about Fume Hood Maintenance.

Equipment must be cleaned and decontaminated before it is removed from the lab for disposal or repair. Follow the Decontamination Plan (PDF) and fill out the Decontamination Certificate (PDF).

General Operating Procedures and Hazards

Information regarding operating laboratory equipment and completing standard procedures need to be included in your Laboratory Safety Plan which is available in the electronic research administration software (InfoEd).

Get additional information regarding less common laboratory procedures about Gas Cylinders Pressure Vessels.

Lab procedures should be read carefully and understood completely to assess the potential hazards. This information needs to be included in your Laboratory Safety Plan which is available in the electronic research administration software (InfoEd).

In the occurrence of an accident in the lab, the online Accident Reporting Form must be completed.

Rules regarding food and drink in laboratories shall be done in conformance with Food and Drink Policy in Research Laboratories.

Lab participants shall be notified of potential hazards and completely understand lab procedures and policies. Compliance must be recorded via a sign-in sheet or other form of documentation. 

Chemical Hygiene Plan

NIU is transitioning to new laboratory safety software (CEMS).  Registering your laboratory in the new system will create a Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP) required for your laboratory.  In the interim, you must have a copy (electronic or hard) of your current CHP available. (This was formally generated through infoEd). ORCIS can assist with creating the plan prior to CEMS becoming available to your department. Please see Chemical Safety for more information.

Laboratory Safety Committee

The Laboratory Safety Committee oversees general laboratory safety on campus.

Related Committees

  • Institutional Biosafety: Recombinant DNA, biohazardous material including bacteria, virus to animals and plants and human blood/tissue
  • Radiation Safety: Radioactive material use and X-ray machines
  • Laser Safety: Oversees safe use of laser equipment in research

Laboratory Safety Contacts

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